WWestside Wolves Bunbury Carnvial


Sat 30 May 2015 08:00 — Mon 01 Jun 2015 12:00

Event information

This event has passed.

Bunbury Junior Hockey Carnival

Registrations Open Tuesday 5th May 2015 @ 11:00am

Click here for boys registration.

Click here for girls registration.


To avoid disappointment please register early as places are limited.

Carnival Dates Saturday 30th May to Monday 1st June 2015

This event is a lightning carnival of 8 to 10 games of 30 minutes against a mix of city and South West teams held on the long weekend in June.  It is both competitive, great fun for players and parents alike and one of the highlights of the Westside Wolves Hockey Club junior hockey season.

Wolves are hoping to take 2 boys and girls teams in each of the year 5/6, 7/8 an 9/10 age groups that will be arranged into a Championship teams and Carnival teams.

Parents, this weekend cannot happen with out parent support and we cannot take teams unless we have parents to assist.  Please be mindful of this when registering your child, help is required in the following areas:

  • supervising in their accommodation (overnight)
  • assisting with meals
  • coaching
  • umpiring
  • team managers and more.


Please contact your age coordinator if you could assist in anyway.


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